

Kino no Tabi - the Beautiful World -

Platform: Playstation 2
Manufacturer: Media Works
Genre: Digital Novel/Adventure
Number of Players: 1
Memory Card: 40kb
Device: Dual Shock 2
Retail Price: 4, 800 Yen + Tax (Himeya's price: $49.00)

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Himeya's summary (Well my de-engrished version....)
Another rendition of "Kino no Tabi" depicted with beautiful sound and imagery. A digital novel & adventure which has a strong atmosphere. The use of sound and imagery amplifies this unusual atmosphere which creates an original and charming story. Made for the PS2 platform it's title is "Kino no Tabi - the Beautiful World -"

Screenshots (obtained from Himeya)

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Kino's Journey/Kino no Tabi is owned by Keiichi Sigsawa and ADV Films. Website design by Sai Soudou. Please see the Terms of Use before taking anything.

This is a fansite and is not affliated with the original producers.


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